Information Retrieval systems notes
Unit 1 Notes;
Unit 2 Notes:
Unit- 3
unit3 document and term clustering
Unit-4 Notes:
Unit-5 Notes:
1. Attempt all the questions WITHOUT FAIL
2. Explain with examples, diagrams wherever applicable
3. while studying, try to analyze along with your real time browsing experience with Google,
Facebook, LinkedIn, amazon, other e-Commerce websites... so that you can understand the concepts easily and to get the latest in the concept
4. preferable order to prepare for the exam:
unit-2 indexing, unit-3 indexing,
unit 3-clustering, unit-2 data structures
5. I will update the question bank here soon
question bank: IRS QUESTION BANK
(Not limited to these questions , be prepared to answer all questions, from text book )
Previous year question papers: Reference question papers
(old OU syllabus if different from what we are studying now 2023-24,
so, NO availability of OU question papers. here these are for your reference. JNTU question papers )
6. Problems:
you may get problems based on the following topics:
Inverse document frequency
Salton approach
stemming algorithms
Software Text searching algorithms, etc..
******** ALL THE BEST *************
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